Lab 2.  java fundamentals -- types, variables, constants,
              basic program featues: methods, classes, documentation
   Lab Work: Note: long variable are not supported by TinyVM. 
             (although they may be by the time we use it for the
             labs/projects). Strings are also not supported. Although
             support is coming in leJOS (code fork from TinyVM).

             Either can add a motor (not connecting it to anything),
             Or use the sound things more. Or just the LCD.

             If using the sound thing, define durations, etc with
             note lengths (ie whole note, half note, etc). Use 
             variables to play the same note for different lengths,
             then different notes, at the same lenght.

             final int half_note = 15;   // not accurate
             final int note_A    = 135;  // not accurate
             int tone, duration;

             tone = 0;
             System.playTone(tone, half_note);
             tone = 15;
             System.playTone(tone, half_note);

             (remember the sleep call needed after eight playings).
             duration = 1;
             System.playTone(note_A, duration);
             duration = 15;
             System.playTone(note_A, duration);

        If you use the motor.
             The only way to get direct feed back is by how long
             the motor is going (motor power is too hard to tell
             the difference without tires, direction is set using
             forward(), backward() not numbers, unless you want
             to use lower-level stuff).  This means that different
             calls to sleep would be used. I dont think this would
             be very helpful for direct feed back.

        The last way, is to use the LCD. (One could use the motor
             at the same time).

             This would be mostly boring, as you just display 
             numbers on the screen. There isn't good support
             for negative numbers, or decimal numbers. Best
             support for unsigned integers.
             (Might improve).

             Display text on the LCD. char arrays, or Strings, 
             if supported, by then. 

             Simple "scrolling" text: to display text longer
             than 5 characters, dislay the first 5, then the
             second 5, etc. Using sleep inbetween.

© Copyright 2000 By Joel Adams, Ryan VanderBijl.
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