note: personally, I think it would work best if lab 2 and 3 were
lab 3.  expressions, primitive types, reference types, booleans,
    assignments, char/strings

             Using Sound: Do octave conversions.

             Using motor/wheels: set a "base" length of time, have
                  the motor run forward, for that time. See how
                  far it goes. Then double it. Go twice as long.
                  Do increments of how long it goes.

                  Go forward a base time, go back double base, etc.

                  Do turning based on different equations.
                  Line finding problem w/ one sensor: You dont know
                  which way the line went, so turn one way for 
                  a specific timeout. If you dont find the line,
                  turn the otherway for twice that timeout to look
                  at the other side.

             ROM.getBatteryPower returns a weird number.
             Notes from librcx/lib/rom.h:
                Units are strange, multiply by 43988 then divide by 
                1560 to get mV 
             Have the students write a program to show us the number
             of mV there are. Voltage meters to check accuracy of
             this?  (at least to make sure these numbers are right!)

             Default LCD code doesn't display double's easily. You
             have to specify where the decimal goes.  Write
             a program to display a decimal in the right place,
             using division/modulus operator.

             Function which takes raw rotation sensor values, and
             convert it into values of 1/16th.  Then count how far
             it goes when rotating the sensor.  Perhaps a calibration
             round, then a messuring how for some wheels go. ?? That
             would work better when using the motor with wheels.

             Temperature sensor -> temp. Unless you want to wait
             for the lab 6 to do all temp stuff.

© Copyright 2000 By Joel Adams, Ryan VanderBijl.
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