5.  control structures. if (nested ifs) statments, for loops.
    method overloading.

I'm just going to start listing ideas, pick one for the lab, and
use the others as potential projects.

test if a given sensor is a light sensor.
loop through, taking readings, and if there is an average
reading of something more than 1, it means that there COULD
be a light sensor attached. Test it with a rotation or 
a temperature sensor. Both, i believe, should give non-zero
values. During "normal" operation.  You need to check if
the average is > 1 b/c the values can be "noisy". You can
get some very minimal readings even if there aren't sensors

A subsumption based program - line follower, obstacle
avoider could work here.  This would be a harder lab.

For method overloading, have the base sensor class, and
then a readValue for a TouchSensor reads boolean values,
while light sensor reads percentage values.

A display method, which takes different types of sensors, or
motor, and displays info about that object.

Scrolling text on the lcd 

© Copyright 2000 By Joel Adams, Ryan VanderBijl.
Lisenced under the GPL. You may use it, but we would like you to share any ideas, etc with us and the world.