12. Data structures. ArrayList, LinkedList (algorithm efficiency).
    Stacks, queues, trees

Garbage colleciton isn't implemented yet. (It is coming).

So some of these can't really be used yet.

But, if they do get implemented, they could be used to do some
of the same things as arrays (lab 9)

*) a good task is to actually implement a linked list. There could
   be a problem of running out of memory if used, b/c no garbage
   collection. Practice of try...catch 

*) Re-implement the music playing class as a queue

*) A follow-same-path-home as a stack.

© Copyright 2000 By Joel Adams, Ryan VanderBijl.
Lisenced under the GPL. You may use it, but we would like you to share any ideas, etc with us and the world.