
The testing package contains classes that pertain to the test-taking process, such as Tests and Questions.


Figure 1. Inheritance in the Testing Package, Part A

Figure 2. Inheritance in the Testing Package, Part B


In good object-oriented fashion, PITA Tests and Questions are made to "do it themselves"--edit themselves, give themselves, and grade themselves. This allows tremendous flexibility in terms of "plug and play" objects, because a new type of Test or Question can be made without touching the underlying PITA framework. On the other hand, since the objects have so much responsibility, implementing a new one is not always trivial, and since the objects need to be graphical, making one leads to a proliferation of classes.

In particular, each new Test or Question created needs one or more Panels that graphically display information for editing, offering, or taking. Also, each new Question type must also include an Answer type and a Problem type. These terms are defined briefly below:

is a collection of Questions, along with methods to grade the Test and order the Questions.
is an AWT Panel that allows the client to graphically edit the Test.
is an AWT Panel that displays options specific to a certain kind of Test.
is a class for a certain kind of question, along with methods to grade the Question and provide information about the Question.
QuestionEditPanel (also abbreviated QEPanel)
is an AWT Panel that allows the client to graphically edit the Question.
is the part of a Question that gets sent across the network to a test taker, usually everything except the correct answer (for security reasons).
ProblemPanel (also abbreviated PPanel)
is an AWT Panel that displays the Problem for test-taking on the taker's end.
is a class that contains a single possible answer to a certain Question. Usually the Question contains a correct Answer, and the ProblemPanel helps the taker to create a client Answer (which will be compared to the correct one).
To assist development of new Test and Question types, well-commented abstract parent classes--one for each of the terms above--declare the interface needed for the new classes.


To make a new type of Test, you must derive subclasses from Test, TestEditPanel, and OptionsPanel, and you should chang some static variables and methods in Test. Finally, you must change communicate.TestNameEditPanel to give clients the option to create a test of your type. See testing.Test, in the file Test.java, for more information.


To make a new type of Question, you must derive subclasses from Question, QuestionEditPanel, Problem, ProblemPanel, and Answer. You must also also change some static variables and methods in Question. See testing.Question, in the file Question.java, for more information.

Table of Contents
Joel C. Adams (adams@calvin.edu)
Karl Voskuil (kvosku94@calvin.edu)
November 1997 Calvin College