Bojo Beach

Yesterday, Catherine made Jello for Sarah who contracted Typhoid a couple days ago. (Impossible to know where she got it. HIghest probability: Night Market.) Catherine delivered the Jello this morning. We know Sarah will be fine, because she is on antibiotics, and because the Jello will speed her recovery!

This morning, Catherine, Mark, and I joined the students who organized an extra-curricular excursion to Bojo Beach, 45 minutes west of Accra. We piled into a tro-tro at about 8:45 and arrived by 9:30. Catherine noted that “we took a tro-tro to Bojo.”

Bojo Beach is on a barrier island, separated from the mainland by an estuary, and a boat is required to reach it. At 10:00, after paying entrance fees and taking the short boat ride, we reached our destination. The beach itself is the worksite of fishers who were gathering a net and dividing its catch when we arrived. In addition to hand-placed nets near shore, others go deeper in boats like Rebecca.

But our purpose wasn’t fishing, rather sunbathing and swimming. The bathing area is stunningly beautiful. And, the waves were really pumping at low tide! Mark, Tyler, and I did quite a bit of body surfing, as our bloody knees and raspberries attest. Catherine stayed closer to shore, playing with several students, including Brooke and Krista

We took lunch at the beach-side cafeteria, watching a rat scamper through the rafters. A boat was sent for ice cream after Krista’s mom and grandmother ordered smoothies! (Oh, Ghana!)

All told, it was a wonderful outing to the shore. Many thanks to the students who shared their day with us!
