CRSES Forum and Goodbyes (2)

This afternoon, I went to the Sustainability Institute for “coffee” (in quotes because I don’t drink the stuff) with Jess, a participant in 2009’s Sustainability Think Tank who is now the Institute’s director. I enjoyed reminiscing about our stunts (using pizza to get a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor) and successes and hearing all of the wonderful things that are happening at Lynedoch.

After coffee, I gave a lecture in the CRSES forum series at the Guesthouse Lecture Room. My title was “Energy and the Macroeconomy: Five Propositions.” About thirty people attended, including friends Louis and Riaan, students from my Thermal Energy Systems module, students from UCT’s Energy Research Centre, engineers from Sasol, employees of Eskom, and friends and colleagues at CRSES. The talk went well, and good questions followed. A reception afterward allowed additional conversation and discussion. There are some photos below.

Wikus organized a goodbye dinner at Terroir at Kleine Zalze with himself and his wife Heidi, colleague Alan and his wife Muriel, and executive student and Eskom employee Vikesh (who is now on the Wind course). The setting was beautiful, the food was amazing, and the conversation was interesting, fun, and humorous. As Wikus and Heidi are headed out of town, I wont see them before I depart. I will miss them a LOT. Thanks for your friendship! “Until next time …”
