Farewell Celebration

This evening, Calvin College entertained over one hundered guests at a farewell celebration for the Ghana semester program. A lovely garden was the setting, home of Calvin alumnus Pearl’s parents.

The invitation stated 5–8 PM, but caterers came at 6 and guests arrived in earnest shortly thereafter. In the calm before the metaphorical storm, McKinley reviewed the formal program for which she served as M.C.

As the sun was setting, Tracy welcomed everyone, and Mark read an opening prayer. Thereafter, dinner was served while a slide show cycled.

The program called for dancing, and there was plenty! The Ghana Dance Ensemble performed twice to get things going; one with men leading and the other with women in front. You can’t have dancing without drumming. Later, three Calvin students performed a dance from their African studies class. Additional students and Catherine presented two dances, including Pimpa. Impromptu dancing to Ghanaian pop music (Shatta Wale, in particular) occurred when the formal program was complete.

Olivia, Krista, and Brooke shared touching and poignant remembrances. Many more students and Tracy expressed appreciation for hospitality of one form or another. Internship hosts were honored, too.

In accordance with longstanding tradition, semester-program students were presented with beautiful, custom-made, hand-woven Kente stoles to be worn at their Calvin graduation. Again, in accordance with tradition, the students selected two recipients of honorary stoles for significant contributions to the program: Auntie Jemima and me! This was a big surprise, and we were incredibly honored and humbled to be recognized in this way.

Final words and a gift for the hosts were followed by the singing of “Father, I Adore You” at the end of the program. Around 9 PM, the only thing left was photos with friends

The formal program this evening provided students an opportunity to express their appreciation for the hospitality, guidance, laughter, teaching, and friendship of so many Ghanians. Too little time was set aside for others to express appreciation of the students. As a group, they are eager learners; willingly sacrificial for each other, unimabinably flexible when needed, and selflessly kind to Catherine, Mark, and me. It has been pure joy knowing them over the last five months.

Based on the comments and reflections this evening, it is clear that the semester created deep and lasting impacts for all. I’m proud that Tracy’s hard work, planning, and commitment to the students created the space for their experience. And, I am grateful that the students allowed our family to participate in the process. With deep appreciation to the Calvin students and their parents, I say “meda ase!”

A lovely group photo marked the end of the evening. It seems unlikely that all sixteen people will ever appear in a single photo again; four seniors depart tomorrow for the US and Calvin graduation on Saturday. From there, who knows.

Life is made of moments, and tonight’s celebration was a significant one. Go well, students. Go well!
