Field Trip

Several short items today.

The soaking rain earlier this week has brought forth flowers in our front yard.

Tracy and her students went on an all-day field trip with Auntie Jemima as their guide. They saw the W.E.B. Du Bois centre and museum. They also visited Black Star Square where they saw reherseals for Sunday’s Independence Day celebrations, avoiding the the weekend’s crowds.

Both Mark and Catherine had special Independence Day programs at school, and they have Monday off school.

They took an authentic lunch whose meat option was goat, grasscutter, or snail.

For dinner, Tracy, Catherine, and I went to Bella Roma in Osu. (Mark was feeling sick.) We left the flat at about 5 PM and began eating only at 7:40 PM due to a combination of bad traffic and slow service. The atmosphere included low but variable lights. (The intensity varied as a sawtooth wave, which was very disconcerting for Tracy.) Napkins were dispensed from a wooden tissue box. But, the pizza and spaghetti were good. To Tracy's surprise, they gave us a free pizza (for the road) for each pizza we had ordered. (I had seen the sign stating their Friday offer.) So, I guess we have dinner for the next couple nights, too!
