New Dress

When Catherine and I came home from school today, the Commonwealth seamstress, whose shop is next door to our flat, motioned for us to come. (In Ghana, the “come over here” motion is a repeated, palm-down grasping motion.) Diana had finised Catherine’s new dress, one for which Catherine selected the fabric herself. (See photo below.)

Mosquito bites are visible on her upper right arm. The mosquitos entered the flat during yesterday's student dinner and attacked while she slept. Today, I bought hooks to install a mosquito net above her bed. The Commonwealth Hall carpenter will come soon to install the hooks in the concrete ceiling.

Marks school had a half-day today. He thought there would be a friendly basketball game against another school, but that didnt happen. Indeed, we thought he would have basketball four days this week, but due to a variety of circumstances, there was only one practice that he attended. With the first tournament next weekend and team selection not yet announced, I’m starting to wonder about commitment and quality. Were used to the idea that few things are organized here as in the U.S., so this is not terribly surprising. But, still
