
One interesting everyday life item:

In the last few weeks, orange flowers have emerged on several campus trees. 

Quick updates on each member of the family:

Catherine swam at school today, a nice way to beat the  heat. This evening, she created a still life drawing.

Mark is working on an ICT paper for school in which he must reflect upon the effects of ICT on everyday life. He has been enjoying the OverDrive app through which he can check out e-books from the Grand Rapids Public Library (for free!).

Tracy is in the midst of organizing the thank-you party and student internships. Today, she secured a band for the party called The Ghana Dance Ensemble (from the Institute of African Studies).

When I have the opportunity, I have been working on four papers with scintillating titles: 

  1. Capital-labour-energy CES aggregate production functions: aspects of their econometric estimation
    My colleague Paul will submit this paper tomorrow to Energy Economics. I am the second author.
  2. From theory to econometrics to policy: Cautionary tales for policymaking with the CES aggregate production function
    This paper will be submitted to Energy Policy, hopefully soon. I finished the first complete draft this morning.
  3. A new approach to estimating total economy-wide energy rebound: An exergy efficiency based study of the UK, US and China
    I’m providing some analysis for this paper, and I’ll be its third author.
  4. Useful work time series for Ghana and South Africa
    This paper is one of the outputs for my sabbatical project. I have been meeting people, looking for data, and slowly beginning some analysis. We are targeting Applied Energy, and I’ll be the primary author.
