Summit: Botmanskop

One of most beautiful things about the Western Cape is its mountain ranges. Today, we experienced that beauty in a different way: from above! We climbed Botmanskop today with my friend Riaan, his daughter Elisabet, Riaan’s intern Mickey (from Slovakia), and Riaans friend Anile.

Our objective was the peak, and we drove in Riaan’s Land Rover from the Simonsrust Spar parking lot up the Helshoogte Pass to an unmarked two-track road that took us a good deal of the way there. It felt like cheating, except that Elisabet is five and anything that reduces the degree of difficulty is a benefit for us all!

The road ends at a stand of eucalyptus trees. We organized our packs while the kids waited to climb. The trail head is in the shade, but we quickly emerged into the winter sun.

We took several breaks during the ascent. The trail winds through fynbos until a steep rock scramble through a small, shady, cool, and calm pseudo-canyon that emerges near the summit. Mark wanted me to take his photo during a pause in the climbing. Riaan helped Elisabet while the others clambered, single-file. We stopped occasionally to look down upon Stellenbosch

After emerging from the canyon, we wound to the left for another short break during which I took a stunning panorama that included Simonsberg. (Simonsberg is the table saw blade sticking out of the valley.) 

After a final push, we reached the summit from which we could see Table Mountain and much of the southward-extending mountain chain that bears its name. Catherine and Elisabeth sat next to each other for a moment. Mark chewed some biltong. I took the opportunity to take individual photos of the hikers: Mickey, Anile, Catherine, Mark, and Tracy. Catherine took a photo of me a little later. From the peak, we could see a castle-home, dozens of vineyards, and snow on some of the other peaks. Anile took a family photo

After a time of snacks and chatting at the summit, we began our descent which included more breaks to rest legs and take photos. The scramble was more difficult in descent, but we all made it safely to the eucalyptus grove. Riaan let the kids ride on top of the range rover until we reached Helshoogte Pass, and we reached the Spar with the needle of the Land Rover’s petrol gauge left of empty.

A great day! Thanks, Riaan!
