6:00 Breakfast
6:45—8:15 I drive Mark and Catherine to their respective schools
15:00 or 16:00 (depending on the day) I pick up Catherine from ICS
15:30 or 16:30 Tracy returns to the flat
16:00 or 17:00 (depending on the day) I pick up Mark from Roman Ridge
15:30—18:00 Homework
18:00 Dinner
18:30 Pack backpacks and lunches for tomorrow; set out uniforms
20:00 Lights out for Catherine
21:30 Lights out for Mark
In the middle of the day, Tracy administers the semester program and works with students. I often exercise at 8:30 and run errands, do research, or have teleconferences between 10:00 and 15:00.
One thing not yet included in our routine is two evening courses taught by Tracy for the semester students. That begins next week.
After our busy December and hectic move, I’m finding comfort in the banility of everyday life.