Travel to Kwahu

After picking Cynthia from the airport at 7 AM, we piled into an Institute  of African Studies bus for a road trip to Kwahu for the Easter festival. We’re staying on the grounds of the Ramseyer Memorial Presbeterian Church tonight and many of us will fly tomorrow. Paragliders jump (with professionals) from the mountain in the distance beyond the town. We’re concerned about rain in the forecast.

Before dinner, we explored the area around the church, enjoying the fresh breezes and fine views. This area is nicknamed “Little London,” because of its cool temperatures. Catherine snapped a photo of me while we were walking. Two sisters took a walk together. Mr. Afari (our driver) and Auntie Jemima (our guide) enjoyed a break at the school library. Catherine scrambled on the wheelchair ramp. 

We enjoyed today and are looking forward to tomorrow.
