A Cool Saturday

The heat wave seems to have broken today. The high temperature was about 22 °C, and we had a cool breeze. 

Catherine, Mark, and I got our first South African haircuts today. If there were judges, Catherine's trim would get a 9.5, Mark's a 9.0, and mine a 6.5 (yuck). 

Catherine had a fun day staying home with Mom, Dad, and Mark (in the morning). Mark read books to her in the late morning.

Mark went to Delynne's birthday party today. Delynne invited all the boys from Mrs. Birt's class (13 total) to Laserquest in Claremont. They did presents first and had dinner at McDonalds after. Mark had a blast!

Tracy did errands in town, including hitting the library and buying a few books at Protea Bookstore. Lots of email in the afternoon.

I cleaned the pool today. It was filthy due to the sot and ash deposited by the fires and winds. We drained as much water as possible yesterday. Today, I got on my hands and knees to bail the rest and scrub the vinyl until it came clean. Then, I moved the pool to the yard so as to straighten and sweep the felt pad that covers the bricks. After moving the pool back, I took care to smooth the vinyl, refill the water, and add chlorine. The evidence is shown in the photo.
