
The boats that the guides heroically rescued last night are being loaded on the bank. Each boat carries a cooler box between the two occupants. Two dry-bags are strapped between the cooler and the inflated pontoons. Umbrellas go between the cooler box and the dry-bags. A blue barrel whose bottom is filled with guide supplies and whose top is for our on-river stuff (cameras, sunblock, etc.) is strapped to the bow. Finally, life jackets, helmets, and water bottles are strapped to the OS lines atop each pontoon.

Proper cooler box management technique includes keeping a wet towel or sarong across the cooler box at all times. We didn't adhere to this rule, but things kept cool enough.

I had camera management issues to deal with. I strapped my waterproof DSLR camera case atop the cooler. Each piece of the kit (camera body, 3 lenses) were wrapped in individual ziplock bags. My little point and shoot camera was stored in a ziplock bag in the blue barrel at the bow. It all worked, and nothing got wet.

As we were loading the boats, Riaan hauled out two serious water guns, one for himself and one for Duncan. We were all soaked before we hit the river.