Pictures and Stories

Catherine did some very nice coloring at daycare as you can see below.

Mark's class had their garbage bag fashion show today. And, he wrote a story about a turtle in class, which you can read in the picture below.

I had a really challenging day at CPUT-Bellville today. Nothing seemed to work with the online eLearning system. Many students aren't in the eLearning system yet. Those who are in the system can't see the assignment I posted. I spent about 2 hours entering all their email addresses only to have 10 of 63 bounce back at me. Sigh!

On the positive side, we received good news late in the afternoon from Cynthia about Christine.

We went for dinner tonight at Jimmy the Fish (in Paradyskloof) with Louis, Amanda, Simone, and Frankie. We had a great time, but it was a late evening. Everyone is trying to settle down to sleep now.
