Rescuers Fundraiser

This morning, I had a meeting with Eve about an idea for some artwork at the Sustainability Institute. My Conventional Energy Systems students were given the task to develop a roadmap for converting South Africa from conventional to renewable energy and meet the "Required by Science" South African Long Term Mitigation Scenario. Their roadmaps consist of a 1-page graphic and a 20-page supporting report. We're planning to compile the 1-page graphics into a sort of silk-screened quilt to be hung at the Sustainability Institute.

Tracy worked on her paper today, finishing a section on the Zion Christian Churches (ZCC) in South Africa.

This evening, Tracy and I attended the Rescuers Daycare fundraiser, a dinner/dance/auction. It was held at a venue near Somerset West (Kilbery Lodge in Helderberg Village). Mark and Catherine were babysat at the daycare. We didn't bid on much, because it doesn't make sense to, say, pick up a kids bike, given that we're leaving in a month. We did win an evening of babysitting, though.

I realized today that I don't have many good photos of the buildings in which I work. I expect to need those for presentations back in the USA. So, I brought my camera and snapped a few photos, which you can see below. I'll take more next week.
