Winery Tours

Matt dropped me off at a tourist information office.  From there, a person can sign up for tours of all sorts of things in and around Stellenbosch.  I hoped to go an a winery tour, and I ended up going on the Tuesday/Thursday tour, which was a visit of 6 farms.  The pictures give lots of information.


Late this afternoon, I went in the attic to empty the buckets that are collecting the rain that leaks through the roof. Good thing, too. One was 75% full. But, it is a real hassle to empty them.

Later in the evening, when Tracy was leaving to fetch Cynthia, our gate opener stopped responding to the clicker. Arrrgh! So, I had to manually open the gate with a screwdriver: takes 5 minutes and is painful. After closing the gate (another 5 minutes of pain), I investigated. The outlet in Mark's room to which the opener is attached wasn't active. I learned this after realizing that neither Mark's electric blanket nor his desk lamp worked. The opener is plugged into the same outlet. I fixed it by cycling the switch on the outlet. I have no idea why that worked!
