Homemade Endfed Antenna (with matching transformer)
Some photos of a homebrew endfed antenna installation are shown below. The antenna is roughly 125 feet in lenght and operates from 80m to 10m with the aid of an antenna tuner.
A plot of the resulting SWR across the HF bands is shown below (thanks to K8QS for lending an antenna analyzer):
The folllowing plots show the SWR on 80m as the length of the antenna was trimmed in stage a several feet at a time. Moving left to right, one can see the antenna gradually getting better tuned for the 80meter band as the length in shortened.
Here are some photos I took of the different stages in the build of a matching transformer for an end fed antenna. The windings had 2 primary windings and 14 secondary windings yeilding a 7:1 turns ratio, and hence a 49:1 impedance ratio (reflected
from secondary to the primary side).