List of Publications
for Derek Schuurman
My work falls into two distinct categories: technical and
perspectival publications (with most of my recent work falling
into the second category). For a summary of technical publications, see
my technical
research page. You can also search recent scholarship listed on
Calvin’s digital
Ethan J. Brue, Derek C. Schuurman,
Steven H. VanderLeest, A
Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and
Designers, IVP Academic, 2022. (companion
website and video of
book launch event)
Derek C. Schuurman,
Shaping a Digital World: Faith, Culture and Computer
Technology, IVP Academic, 2013. (companion website)
R.S. Ramshaw and D.C. Schuurman, PSpice Simulation of Power-Electronics
Circuits, Springer, 1997. (companion
Derek C.
Schuurman, Exploring
Computer Science with the Raspberry Pi, Creative Commons,
Chapters in Books
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Response to Chapter 4: The Importance of
Humility and Humor: Countermeasures against Techno-foolishness”, in Habits
of the High Tech Heart: Living Virtuously in the Information
Age, updated and expanded edition, by Quentin J. Schultze,
Integratio Press, 2024, 137-141.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “AI
in Education: Villain, Savior, or Something Else?” in ACSI
Leading Insights Artificial Intelligence, edited by Lynn E.
Swaner, Association of Christian Schools International, 2024,
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Seeking Wisdom in Engineering and Computer
Science” in Where Wisdom May be Found: The Eternal Purpose of
Christian Higher Education, edited by Edward P. Meadors,
Pickwick Publications, 2019, 214-226.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Responsible Automation: Faith and Work in an
Age of Intelligent Machines” in The Wonder and Fear of Technology: Commissioned
Essays on Faith and Technology, edited by David H. Kim, Center
for Faith & Work, 2016, 42-56.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Virtue
and Artificial Intelligence”, Perspectives on Science and
Christian Faith, Volume 75, Number 3, December 2023, 155-161.
- David Klanderman, Clayton Carlson, Tina Decker, Fred Haan, Victor
Norman, Abbie Schrotenboer, Derek Schuurman, and James Turner, “Faith
Integration in STEM Courses for Undergraduates: Exemplars of Pedagogical
Practices”, International Journal of Christianity and
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Kuyper and Technology, or How a Voice From the Past Can
Speak to our Digital Age”, | Christian Scholar's Review,
Volume XLIX, Number 2, Winter 2020, 161-174.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “The Challenge of Transhumanism”, Proceedings
of the 2019 Christian Engineering Conference (CEC), Dordt
University, July 2019, 112-118.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Artificial
Intelligence: Discerning a Christian Response”, Perspectives on
Science and Christian Faith, Volume 71, Number 2, June 2019,
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Technology and the Biblical Story”, Pro
Rege, Vol. 46, No. 1, September, 2017, 4-11 (available also in
Portuguese as Tecnologia e a história bíblica).
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Approaches to Christian Education: From Elusive Towards
a Larger and Deeper Approach”, Pro Rege, Vol. 44, No. 3,
March, 2016, 14-20.
- Steven H. VanderLeest and Derek C. Schuurman, “A Christian Perspective on Artificial Intelligence: How
Should Christians Think about Thinking Machines?”, Proceedings
of the 2015 Christian Engineering Conference (CEC), Seattle Pacific
University, Seattle, WA, June 2015, 91-107.
This article has since been translated into Portuguese under the title
“Uma Perspectiva Cristã Sobre a Inteligência Artificial: Como Cristãos
Devem Pensar Sobre Máquinas que Pensam?” (Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Introducing Open Source and the Raspberry Pi to Schools
in Developing Nations”, Perspectives on Science and Christian
Faith, Volume 67, Number 1, March 2015, 50-53.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Step-by-step
design and simulation of a simple CPU architecture”, SIGCSE '13
Proceeding of the 44th ACM technical symposium on Computer science
education, 2013.
- Derek C. Schuurman, “Technology Has a Message”, Christian Educators
Journal, Volume 51, Number 3, February 2012, 4-7. (this article has
since been translated into Portuguese under the title “Tecnologia tem uma Mensagem”)
- Derek C. Schuurman and Arnold E. Sikkema, “Christian Engineering
Education in Canada”, 2011 Proceedings of the Christian Engineering
Education Conference (CEEC), | June 2011, 167-175.
- Bryan W. House*, David W. Capson, Derek C. Schuurman, “Towards Real-Time Sorting of Recyclable Goods Using
Support Vector Machines”, Proceedings of the IEEE International
Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), May
- Michael Nawrocky*, Derek C. Schuurman, and Jeff Fortuna,
“Visual Sorting of Recyclable Goods Using a Support
Vector Machine”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), May 2010.
- Timothy Ubbens* and Derek C. Schuurman, “Vision-based Obstacle Detection Using a Support Vector
Machine”, Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) May 2009, 459-462.
- Fang Zhong*, David W. Capson, Derek C. Schuurman, “Parallel Architecture for PCA Image Feature Detection
Using FPGA”, | Proceedings of the IEEE Canadian Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), May 2008,
- A. Smit* and D.C. Schuurman, “Robust Subspace Position Measurement Using Localized
Sub-Windows”, Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Computer
and Robot Vision, May 2007, 282-288.
- D.C. Schuurman, “Forming a Christian View of Computer Technology”,
Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical
Sciences (ACMS), December 2007. (In retrospect, I would write some
parts of this article a little differently now - for a more recent
article on this same topic, see: Technology
and the Biblical Story)
- D.C. Schuurman and D.W. Capson, “Real-Time Synchronized Vision Sensors Over
Ethernet”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Local Computer Networks, November 2004, 136-143.
- D.C. Schuurman and D.W. Capson, “Robust Direct Visual Servoing Using
Network-Synchronized Cameras”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and
Automation, April 2004, Volume 20, Issue 2, 319- 334.
- J. Fortuna, D.C. Schuurman, and D.W. Capson, “A
Comparison of PCA and ICA for Object Recognition Under Varying
Illumination”, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, August 2002, Vol. 3, 11-15.
- D.C. Schuurman and D.W. Capson, “Direct Visual Servoing Using Network-Synchronized
Cameras and Kalman Filter”, Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2002,
- D.C. Schuurman and D.W. Capson, “Video-Rate Eigenspace Methods for Position Tracking and
Remote Monitoring”, Proceedings of the IEEE Southwest Symposium
on Image Analysis and Interpretation, April 2002, 45-49.
- D.C. Schuurman and R.S. Ramshaw, “Dynamic Simulation of an EV
Traction Application”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on
High Technology in the Power Industry, June 1996, 66-69.
* Denotes students that I have (co-)supervised
Theses, Patents,
and software
Graduate theses:
Patents awarded during time working as an engineer in industry:
Some modest open source software projects:
- ARCHIE Pi: an
offline web server that runs on the Raspberry Pi and can be used to
deliver educational content in remote locations where no internet access
is available.
- JTmap: a program
to display a map for digital ham radio contacts
- pi-lights:
home lighting automation for use with the Zigbee Light Link wireless
- pi-home:
provides home sensor monitoring and alerts using a Raspberry Pi.
- index-o-matic:
helps to create an index for a PDF manuscript.
- Joan Huyser-Honig, “Derek
Schuurman on Using Artificial Intelligence in Church”, Calvin
Institute for Christian Worship (CICW) interview, July 18, 2024.
- Chris Meehan, “Seeking
Shalom through AI”, CRCNA News, August 14, 2024.
- Interview on the Relationship Between the Christian
Faith and Technology (in Portuguese), June 22, 2016.
Collections of articles
Other articles
- “Lament for a Wife”, Christian Courier,
February 5, 2024 (available in PDF
format; republished in The
Big Picture magazine).
- “The
Problem With AI Is Deeper Than You Think”, Relevant
Magazine, November 5, 2024.
- “A
Tribute to the Z80”, IEEE Computer Magazine, Volume 57,
Issue 9, September, 2024.
- “ChatGPT and the Rise of AI”, Christian
Scholar's Review blog, January 20, 2023 (winner of a 2024
Word Award for a Topical Blog).
- “Technology
and the Reformed Tradition”, Christian Courier, February 2,
2025, p. 19.
- “Steering a Course for Artificial Intelligence”
The Banner, October, 2018, p. 38.
- “Modern Devices and Ancient Disciplines”, Faith
Today, November/December 2017, 39-41.
- Technology and the Church, God and Nature
Magazine, Fall 2015.
- The Meaning of Technology, InterVarsity's
Emerging Scholars Blog, July 24, 2015.
Book reviews
- Review of The
Empathy Diaries: A Memoir by Sherry Turkle, Christian
Scholar's Review, vol. 51, issue 3, Summer 2022, 410-412.
- Review of Modern
Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal by Craig
M. Gay, InterVarsity Academic Press, 2018, in Faith Today,
July/August 2019, 42-43.
- Review of The
Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper
Place by Andy Crouch, Baker Books, 2017, in Perspectives on
Science and Christian Faith, Volume 69, Number 4, December 2017,
- Review of Mapping
Your Academic Career: Charting the Course of a Professor's Life
by Gary M. Burge, InterVarsity Press, 2015, in Perspectives on
Science and Christian Faith, Volume 68, Number 2, June 2016,
Prof. Schuurman serves as a book review editor for the journal Perspectives on
Science and Christian Faith.