A Christian Perspective on Computer Science

Discerning a Christian view of computer science and technology leads to many questions. The Christian faith is comprehensive, and it should inform all areas of life. But exactly how does faith influence the study of computer technology? What do bytes have to do with beliefs? The following talk gives an introduction to the topic of faith and technology.

It is my contention that it takes a village to form a Christian scholar. The following are some additional resources dealing with the topic of Christianity and Computing:



A list of other sources of information can be found here.

Talks and Interviews



See also the Christianity and Computing page at Calvin College.

Mailing Lists

There is also a mailing list for people interested in Computer Science and Christianity called CS-CHRISTIANITY. The list volume has averaged about 20 per year since the list's January 2000 inception.

We hope to add other links relating to Computer Science and Chrsitianity to this page in time.