This image was taken on 2009-12-18 from the roof of the bath houses at the main beach in Arniston. I think it is esthetically interesting, because:
* Composition: the corner of the wall is at the lower left power point.
* Lines: The lower half of the image is full of lines: boundary between the sea and the wall, parallel lines comprising the top surface of the wall, vertical corner line, angled shadow line. The angled shadow line draws the eye up and to the left where the village of Kassiesbaai sits.
* Balance: The white clouds in the upper half of the image provides balance to the strong white on teh wall in the lower half of the image.
* People: The swimmers provide the feeling that there is life in the otherwise starkly blue/green/white image.
* Colors: I like the shades of blue in the sky (which darkens from left to right) and the shades of green the sea (which also darkens from left to right).
* Intent: I consciously positioned the camera to obtain the line locations and to balance the colors of the image.