Bet Breakfast

Breakfast at Crémé

Louis, Amanda, and Tracy

Tracy and I went for breakfast with Amanda and Louis this morning. We're thankful to J.M. Coetzee for the occasion.

You see, the women lost a bet with Louis. Louis said that South African writer J.M. Coetzee accepted his Nobel Prize in Literature in person from the King of Sweden. The ladies said he skipped the ceremony. Louis was right and the winner of R100 from each of the women.

Although I didn't have an opinion, Louis included me on the bet, and we decided that we should use the winnings to have a nice breakfast together. After a week, we informed the ladies that we would each choose a guest, to be decided later. Last week, we chose them!

So, we met at Crémé Café at 08h30. I printed the photo of Coetzee accepting his prize from the King of Sweden and set it at Amanda's place prior to her arrival. The photo in the sidebar shows Louis, Amanda, and Tracy with the photo and the two R100 notes. All good fun!

Jos sent me this funny list of South African English words. This list seems to have gone viral on email in advance of the 2010 World Cup.
