More Stuff about Stellenbosch

Boy was it hot today. Up to 30 °C again. As Kerry noted, we left 30 °F weather (less, really, because its been sooo cold in Michigan) and went to 30 *C weather.

Today, I got my visiting faculty card from Stellenbosch. Next comes internet access, which I was told could take until the end of next week. Ugggh!

I got my card by riding one of our landlord's bikes into town. It takes 13 minutes by bike to get home from my office. Home is the uphill way. So, it probably takes little less to go from home to my office. The time to ride is just about as long as it takes to drive and park. I think I'll do it as often as possible.

Mark and I went to a store called Fidders on Andringa Street in Stellenbosch to get electric plug converters. Now, we're set for all our U.S. electronic stuff, like computers hard drives, and cell phone chargers.
