
The 24th Annual

Workshop in Geometric Topology

Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
June 28-30, 2007

Video Downloads


All three talks by the principal speaker, Ian Agol, are available for download in QuickTime format. Viewing them will require Apple's QuickTime Player 7, which can be downloaded (free) from the Apple website.

  1. Survey on volumes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds (63 min, 137.4 MB)
  2. Finiteness of arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups (61 min, 118.2 MB)
  3. Applications of Kleinian groups to 3-manifold topology (60 min, 135.2 MB)


As the slides become available, videos of the talks will also be posted in Flash format, displaying the video and slides simultaneously. Viewing them will require Adobe's Flash Player 9, which can be downloaded (free) from the Adobe website.


Photographs of the workshop are available at the link below. Be sure to notice that there are two pages of photos and that you can see a larger version of each photo by clicking on the thumbnail.