(each line is loosely based on a week)
(based sort of what the lab will be about)
This outline is taken from Joel Adams, Larry Nyhoff, and Jeff Nyhoff's (coming) Java book, Java Introduction to Computing.

  1. intro
  2. java fundamentals types, variables, constants, basic program featues: methods, classes, documentation
  3. expressions, primitive types, reference types, booleans, assignments, char/strings
  4. methods/classes. functions. return. parameters
  5. control structures. if (nested ifs) statments, for loops. method overloading.
  6. Classes. instance methods. Temperature!!!! Encapsulation, info hiding,
  7. Selection structures. if, multibranch if, dangling else, switch statements (NOT supported by TinyVM). break. ActionListener.
  8. Repetition for loop, forever, break statements, while, do loop, recursion.
  9. Arrays. subscripting, arrays + methods(?), pre-defined array operations, area cloning, equality, vectors, sorting, searching, procedssing command-line arguments. Multidimentional arrays: opps, defining ops, matrix class
  10. File IO. Readers, Writers, Exceptions (try, catch). IO Streams.
  11. Inheritance. Handles, extends, polymorphism, java hierarchy. OO design,
  12. Data structures. ArrayList, LinkedList (algorithm efficiency). Stacks, queues, trees
  13. Advanced topics. Sorting lists, multithreading (synchronization), client server programming (sockets, etc)
  14. Final Project.

© Copyright 2000 By Joel Adams, Ryan VanderBijl.
Lisenced under the GPL. You may use it, but we would like you to share any ideas, etc with us and the world.