Workshop Information
Principal Speaker
The featured speaker will be Alexander Dranishnikov of the University of Florida.
He will give a series of three one-hour talks on "Dimension Theory: local and global."
Special Event
At the conclusion of the workshop there will be a Special Session in honor of Bob
Daverman on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Speakers at the special session
will be John Bryant, Jim Cannon, Jerzy Dydak, Craig Guilbault and William Jaco.
Contributed Talks
Participants are invited to contribute talks. Time will be allotted on
Thursday and Friday for 15 minute talks.
Limited funds will be available to support travel and living expenses of participants
who do not have other NSF funding for their research.
May 15.
Requests for financial support. (Expired)
May 22.
Conference rate at Comfort Inn. (Expired)
June 1.
Abstracts for
contributed talks. (Expired)
June 1.
Reservations for rooms in the dormitory. (Expired)
June 8.
Tickets for Saturday dinner.
A Proceedings of the conference will be published locally, after the conference ends.
The workshop is supported by the National Science Foundation and Calvin College.
The special session is sponsored by the University of Tennessee and Calvin College.
Fredric Ancel, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Dennis Garity, Oregon State University,
Craig Guilbault, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Frederick Tinsley, Colorado College,
Gerard Venema, Calvin College,
David Wright, Brigham Young University,