Personal Information
Name (to appear on badge)
Institition (to appear on badge)
Telephone Number
() - Ext.
Re-enter Email
Mailing Address
Registration Fee
Standard ($25) / Student ($10)
Standard Student
Contributed Talk
Do you wish to contribute a 15 minute talk?
Yes No
If "Yes", either include a title and abstract below or mail them
directly to Gerard Venema at
Funding Request
Indicate if support
is requested
Requested Not Requested
If requesting support, please
itemize reqested expenses
If requesting support, please
indicate other sourcces of
support (such as grants)
Click here if requesting a dormitory room
Indicate the type of room you are requesting. You may
request a particular roommate or a suitemate. If you do not request a particular suitemate,
one will be assigned. See the Housing Page for a description of the dormitory rooms.
The nights you will be staying will be computed from your arrival/departure dates you indicate below.
Single Room (private bath) ($33/night)
Single Room (shared bath) ($18/night)
Indicate suitemate
Double Room (private bath) ($18/night)
One person Two people
Indicate roommate
Double Room (shared bath) ($13/night)
One person Two people
Indicate roommate
Indicate suitemates
Family Suite ($40/night)
Click here if you have made
arrangements to stay in a hotel.
Indicate the name of the hotel in which
you have made reservations
Saturday Evening Dinner
(Thursday evening picnic is included with registration.)
Saturday Evening Meal ($25)
Number of Dinner Tickets
Miscellaneous Information
Arrival Date
Departure Date
Anything else we
should know?